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about musicrocks

Incredible musical productions are staged live everyday (be they stage shows, theatrics, or simply acoustic performances), and yet, like a snowflake, they are gone from all but our memories the next day.

Musicrocks was created to capture and preserve these great performances.

We are located in Dallas, Texas (next to the historic Deep Ellum area), but have worked with productions all over the U.S. We will be launching full national services over the next year.

Currently, we only offer subscription accounts for reviews, concert information and videographic and photographic documentation of live shows, but we plan on making a majority of our archives available to the general public. Check back for more details, or contact us for more information!

"musicrocks" and "the band is the brand" name, design, and related marks are service marks of Léger Incorporated.

© 2000-2003 Léger Incorporated. All rights reserved.